It is no secret I adore my nieces and nephews. I think being an auntie is one of my most favorite things EVER! I love getting to see them grow, develop their little personalities, and be a part of their lives. I think as a sister too, it has been amazing to see my sisters […]

Kids, Uncategorized

Adventures with Boston + Carson



For the past few years, I’ve developed a little habit I now refer to as my ‘hibernating’. Not exactly like a bear, but sort of. It developed more or less by default. You see, October, November, December are typically my busiest months with photography, so by January, I am pooped. Physically, mentally, creatively exhausted. Needless […]

Personal, Uncategorized

the gift of nothing and the art of hibernating



Lately, I have caught myself saying the ‘B’ word: Busy. When asked how I have been and what I’m up to, my response lately is “Oh, I’m just busy”. I’m fixated on my to-do list and constantly running through all that needs to be done for the week. And when I’m all about my to-do […]

Personal, Uncategorized

2015 kate spade agenda



I have been thinking about the word encourage lately. What it means, and specifically what it means to me, and those near and dear to me. My pondering derived as I listened to a friend contemplating a new career, but feeling crippled by fear of the unknown future. As I listened, I wondered what I […]

Personal, Uncategorized

the power of encouragement



This past week, I read Unbroken, the inspiring true story of Louie Zamperini, a great American track runner and Olympian who was drafted into the service during World War II and survived 47 days at sea on a raft, and more than two and half years as a prisoner of war. His incredible journey was […]

Personal, Uncategorized

happy memorial day



I heart macaroons! French or coconut, I swoon over their deliciousness. Because these little treats are hard to come by locally here, I decided to attempt the art of making these bad boys in my kitchen eek! So….I found what appeared to be the simplest recipe from Williams-Sonoma and gave it a go! And then […]

Personal, Uncategorized

coconut macaroons and happy easter



This past week was full of events, shoots, visits with friends, a date at one of my now favorite restaurants, and…a live Juan Puablo airport recap!! For reals. I was walking towards my gate for the last leg of my flight and noticed a small gathering of girls around a brunette that appeared to be […]

Personal, Uncategorized

Brides Bellinis and Zucchini Bread
