I’m back home in Spokane and so so happy to be by my Allan again! It was a busy three weeks of shoots and travel and all the things, but it was especially fun to get to see and spend time with my nieces and nephews. Oh, those little cuties fill my cup to the brim with their personalities and questions and imagination!
And this little blue-eyed-26-pound-butter-ball was celebrating his six month milestone so I was SO happy to get to capture of few of his smiles while I was in California!!! Micah is THE happiest little guy, loves his mama and wants her in his sights at all times, adores his two crazy brothers, and has the best giggle. I just adore him and am excited to share a few of my favorites of this cutie-mc-cutie!
And this little blue-eyed-26-pound-butter-ball was celebrating his six month milestone so I was SO happy to get to capture of few of his smiles while I was in California!!! Micah is THE happiest little guy, loves his mama and wants her in his sights at all times, adores his two crazy brothers, and has the best giggle. I just adore him and am excited to share a few of my favorites of this cutie-mc-cutie!
Love love the one on the right where Micah is looking at his mama!
And those cheeks…
Can you handle all the cuteness?!?
Yes, this is one of my favorites. His little chiclets just are my most favorites thing…
Are you sure you got all my good angles? – Micah
My fave!
I’ll end with this one because seriously, how can you not smile at that face?!?